How to choose a flower girl
The Flower Girl will be of close relation to the Bride and Groom, usually a niece or relative. It’s advisable to choose 2/3 flower girls, so that the girls will be more confident and comfortable knowing that all eyes aren’t focused on them. You must choose wisely, without hurting anyone’s feelings.
Symbolism of the Flower Girl
Typically the Flower Girl will drop rose petals, herbs and a mixture of grains down the walkway. The grains and herbs symbolize hope for future fertility and everlasting love. Whilst the flowers symbolize good luck wished upon the couple.
Dressing your little princess in style!
Although bridal fashion has evolved a great deal over the past few years, flower girl dresses haven’t changed that much. Although it is not a requirement, the majority of brides choose a dress similar to their own, to create sort of a miniature version. This can be a really lovely and pretty idea–but the most important factor to consider when choosing a dress is the child’s comfort. How the child feels in their outfit will change the course of her role. Tea-length white dresses with a bonnet or satin bow are standard and sweet, but there are many little-girl looks to choose from.
Preparing your little girl for her big role
One of the best ways to do this is to make her as familiar as possible about her role. Perhaps buy her a book, or show her some pictures of other children that are dressed up in the fairytale dress. Once she becomes familiar with her role, it will give her something to feel proud of. For any jitters on the day, just remind her that there are lots of other children who’ll be there too.